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IFAC/IIRC/OIBR Webinar: Integrated Reporting for SMEs – Slides and Recording Now Available

17 Sep 2019 3:33 PM | Paul Thompson

The slides and recording from the webinar 'SMEs and Integrated Reporting’ held on 17 September 2019 can be accessed here:

IFAC welcomes sharing this recording with colleagues in your organization who may find it of interest. 

The webinar was focused on integrated reporting for small and medium sized entities (SMEs), exploring the benefits for SMEs, guidance on implementation, and case study examples, with excellent presentations from:

  • Matteo Pozzoli, member of IFAC's Small and Medium Practices Committee, who shared IFAC's perspective on the benefits of integrated thinking and reporting for SMEs
  • Prof. Stefano Zambon, Secretary General, OIBR and the University of Ferrara, who gave an overview of the work of the Italian Network for Business Reporting (NIBR), and the transformation of this network into the recently established Italian Foundation for Business Reporting (OIBR)
  • Dr. Laura Girella, IIRC Technical and Research Manager, who provided an overview of implementation guidance from the NIBR/OIBR and the WICI Global Network.

The implementation guidance was illustrated by 2 case studies:

(1) Stafer presented by Andrea Ragazzini, Chief Value Officer

(2) Dellas presented by Marco Pasquotti, Group CFO, Dellas and Chairman, Italian CFOs Association (ANDAF) North-Eastern Section.

Useful links

  • Integrated Reporting for SMEs: Implementation Guidance - Consistent with the International <IR> Framework, this guidance explains the principles of integrated reporting and thinking through the lenses of an SME, providing also a road-map to integrated reporting as well as suggested KPIs and KRIs that can be usefully adopted.
  • Creating Value for SMEs through Integrated Thinking - This publication from IFAC and the International Integrated Reporting Council aims to help small- and medium-sized entities (SMEs), including non-profits, adopt integrated reporting and realize its benefits. It can also help users understand the benefits of using the International Integrated Reporting Framework, including the flexibility of its principles-based structure and approach.


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