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Accounting Today: Global reporting groups plan to align standards in 2 years

15 Nov 2018 10:28 AM | Mary Adams (Administrator)

The Corporate Reporting Dialogue, which includes the IIRC, SASB, GRI, and the Carbon Disclosure Project, have announced plans to align their standards and frameworks within two years at the World Congress of Accountants in Sydney, Australia.

The article explains the goal of the project:

Under the new project, the various participants plan to map out their own sustainability standards and frameworks to identify the common traits and differences, while jointly refining and continuously enhancing the overlapping disclosures and data points to achieve better alignment. They will be taking into account the various focuses, audiences and governance procedures of the different organizations. Participants will identify how non-financial metrics relate to financial outcomes and how this can be integrated in mainstream reports.

More information about the project can be found on the Corporate Reporting Dialogue website

Read the Accounting Today article


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