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Barker and Eccles: Should FASB and IASB be responsible for setting standards for nonfinancial information?

29 Oct 2018 10:07 AM | Mary Adams (Administrator)

Richard Barker and Bob Eccles at Said Business School of Oxford University have published a briefing paper as a prelude to a debate on December 11:

The goal of this ‘Green Paper’ is to contribute, in a neutral way, to a conversation that has been going on for some time amongst a variety of actors, concerning whether mandatory reporting standards are a prerequisite for effective ‘sustainability’ or ‘nonfinancial’ corporate reporting. Specifically, we ask whether the existing standard-setting regime for financial reporting – that of the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) – should be extended to include setting standards for nonfinancial information. Our work was informed by interviews we did with 50 experts in this field. We are grateful to them for taking the time to share their views with us.”

The members of the debate teams are as follows, and further details are available on this link.

  • Chair: Lady Lynn de Rothschild
  • In Proposition: Paul Druckman, Ian Mackintosh, Sir Callum McCarthy, Anne Simpson
  • In Opposition: Jonathan Bailey, Bob Herz, Harvey Pitt, Tom Quaadman

This debate is free and open to the public. You can register to attend on this link.

Read the paper: Should FASB and IASB be responsible for setting standards for nonfinancial information?


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