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Article from "Arctic Values"

18 Jul 2018 3:25 PM | Brad Monterio

The truths and myths of sustainability- & non-financial reporting

by Adrian Braun

Do you need non-financial reporting in a business? What does it even mean, non-financial reporting? Is managing a business not complicated enough with accounting, taxation, banking, annual reports and shareholder announcements? Now, diverse people with different positions and backgrounds claim that you need a sustainability report, highlighting your efforts and performances in non-monetary perspectives. Ok fair enough, sustainability is good, it is popular, it is on agendas of governments, and it is protecting the environment. However, is it not rather something for the big global players in business, the big polluters and the companies that have the pocket money to invest into these efforts outside the core business?

I would like to clear up two common prejudices of sustainability strategies in businesses… more>>


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