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Financial Advisor Magazine on the importance of integrated reporting

9 Nov 2017 4:12 PM | Mary Adams (Administrator)

A recent article in Financial Advisor magazine discussed an updated survey by the CFA Institute on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data. The report confirms that "as in 2015, 73 percent of respondents take ESG into account in their investment analysis and decisions." 

But the article goes farther. It quotes Vincent Papa, director, financial reporting policy for CFA Institute on the importance of the work the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) is doing to ensure that companies:

Go beyond providing ESG data in a siloed fashion and incorporate it into a cohesive value creation story in order to Inform investors how this information links to the business strategy, the finances, the risk management of reporting entities, and don’t just detail it in one chapter of an annual report or a separate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report.


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