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Integrated Reporting Conversation: Report from the IIRC International Council Meeting

  • 14 Nov 2019
  • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Online at 2 PM ET--login information sent upon registration


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The International Integrated Reporting Council will be convening in New York during the first week in November. Several members of our community will be attending so we thought we'd hold a discussion the following week to update the U.S. Community.

Some of the topics to be discussed include: 

  • The IIRC’s role in global system change, including discussion around the alignment of corporate reporting initiatives and the ‘investor view’ presented by Ron O’Hanley, President and CEO, State Street
  • The IIRC Council’s leadership and future development, including feedback from the e-mail sent by Dominic Barton, IIRC Council Chair to all Council members in August, how to maximise the Council’s time together, the cadence of Council meetings and its focus at regional/national versus the global level
  • How to maintain the relevance of the International <IR> Framework and the potential for it to be updated
  • Further developing the business case for integrated reporting and thinking
  • Feedback from the deliberation of the IIRC Board, presented by Barry Melancon, IIRC Board Chair

Please join the conversation!


Bob Laux, IIRC U.S. Lead 

Mary Adams, Smarter-Companies


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