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Sustainable Brands: Global Leaders Convene to Identify Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Address the SDGs

Posted 19 January, 2018

Sustainability is at risk. And whilst the risks that go beyond climate change may be less well-understood, they are just as pressing.

That was the message at the first meeting of the European Union’s Multi-Stakeholder Platform on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on 10 January in Brussels.

The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) is serving on the Platform alongside major integrated reporting companies Unilever, Enel and Rabobank; and our partners in CSR Europe, amongst 24 high-level representatives drawn from business, trade unions, NGOs, public service and academia.

The formation of the Platform now, two years after historic agreement on the SDGs, is probably a result of internal wrangling in Brussels, but speeches from two Vice Presidents of the European Commission suggested that the exercise of ‘policy through dialogue’ is a genuine one — in which recommendations from the Platform would turn into concrete actions.

You can read the full article by Richard Howitt, CEO, IIRC here.